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Developing Your Prayer Blueprint

Updated: Jun 10, 2023

By: Pamela D. Scott May 10, 2023

Recently I spoke with a prophetic colleague, and we discussed the power of prayer. In listening to his comments, it is evident that he was a seasoned intercessor. His investment in time spent with the Father was obvious; his advanced knowledge and experience were impressive. He encouraged me in my prayer walk, challenging me to pray for one-two hours daily (like he does) if I expected to grow in my prophetic gifting. And although I appreciated his input, I wondered how I would replicate his process.

Prayer: Uniquely You

The Bible states in 2 Corinthians 10:12 that comparing ourselves with others is a foolish practice! I discussed our conversation with a close friend (she’s also a prophetess), and she quickly pointed out that everyone’s prayer walk is different, and that’s okay. God doesn’t call us to pray in the same manner any more than He expects us to all flow prophetically in the same way. God loves variety!

Each of us is uniquely gifted by the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to recognize this and be comfortable in our own skin, allowing the Spirit to flow and manifest through us as He wills! Your prayer time will reflect your personality, lifestyle, work schedule, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You may prefer to seek the Lord daily at 5:00 AM before you get busy with work and kids. Or lunchtime spent in your vehicle may be a better fit. The point is everyone’s prayer life will be different, and God is good with that! He’s more concerned that you have consistent and meaningful interactions with him than He is with the logistics.

Creating Your Prayer Life

As I continued to consider my own prayer lifestyle, I was led to consider the concept of a prayer “blueprint.” Not that prayer should be pre-orchestrated or scripted, but we can benefit from some structure to ensure we approach the Father appropriately. Below is a list of strategies I’m using to ensure that my prayer life is holistic and fruitful. Feel free to adopt those that resonate with you!

1. Set aside a specific time and place for prayer. Consistency is essential when it comes to developing a prayer habit. Choose a time of day and a quiet, comfortable place to focus and avoid distractions.

2. Start with gratitude. Begin your prayer time by thanking God for His goodness and the many blessings in your life. Gratitude helps cultivate a heart of humility and faith, which is essential for effective prayer.

3. Pray for guidance and discernment. As a prophetic Christian, you may feel called to pray for specific people, situations, or events. Ask God for wisdom and insight into what He wants you to pray for and how He wants you to pray.

4. Use Scripture as a guide. The Bible is a vast source of inspiration and wisdom for prayer. Choose a passage of Scripture that speaks to you and use it as a foundation for your prayers.

5. Ask God to activate the Gifts of the Spirit (especially the Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Discerning of Spirits, Speaking In and Interpretation of Tongues) in your life. These are tools that the Father has made available that can take our prayers to the next level. Take advantage of them and leverage their power daily!

6. Be open to the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit. As a prophetic Christian, you should be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading. Pay attention to any impressions or insights that come to you during prayer and be willing to follow where the Spirit leads.

7. Pray for others. Intercession is a powerful form of prayer that can have a tremendous impact on your life and the lives of others. As you pray for others, ask God to reveal His heart and His will for their lives.

8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re struggling to expand your prayer life, don’t hesitate to contact a trusted pastor, mentor, or friend for guidance and support. Praying with others can also be a powerful way to deepen your prayer life.

We serve a God who longs for intimate conversation and relationship with us through prayer. Partner with Him to create your prophetic blueprint today and watch how He positions you for greater revelation and blessing as you spend consistent time in His presence!

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